What a privilege to be part of this family reunion! The Sensenig family celebrated Jake and Ella’s 60th wedding anniversary – that’s right! Their SIXTIETH wedding anniversary with an extended family photo session and a picnic at Blue Marsh Lake’s Hillside Pavilion in Bernville, PA. We were able to capture the family that has grown out of Jake and Ella’s love over the past 60 years. Their son and daughter with their spouses, along with 7 grand kids and their spouses, plus two great grand kids and a third on the way!
One of those grand kids is Crystal – she is a talented graphic designer whom we are blessed to have on our team! You can see her on our about page, and she is fourth from the left in the first image below…
Congratulations to the Sensenigs!

What a beautiful gift from God to have such a full legacy. Wonderful to see you all.
Thank you for all who helped put this celebration together.